Walpersdorfer Str. 38
91126 Schwabach
+49 (0)9122 - 63148-0
+49 (0)9122 - 63148-29
Visit us at the SPS trade fair 2024 in Nuremberg
Booth 203
New catalogue available
Our new catalogue is now available for viewing and
downloading on our homepage. Here you will find all current
devices with their technical data clearly presented and can
thus quickly compare them with each other to find the right
frequency converter or accessories for you.
You can access the catalogue in our download area or here:
45th anniversary - Updated company logo
In 1978, the company BMR elektrischer & elektronischer
Gerätebau was founded by Rudolf Brittling. In 2023, we are
now looking forward to the 45th anniversary of the company.
This was celebrated in a relaxed atmosphere with all
employees. Three long-standing members of staff were also
honoured here.
Just in time for our anniversary, we also inaugurated our newly
coloured logo. This now corresponds to the colour scheme of our
inverters as well as the website and thus creates a connection
from the logo directly to the device.
Of course, such a major change does not happen overnight, so it
will take until the end of the year until you will see our new logo
New version of our SFU0200: the SFU0200X
The SFU0200 has been the workhorse among BMR's frequency
inverters for years and is used worldwide in numerous
applications with synchronous and asynchronous high-speed
spindles. Now there is an update: With 510VA compared to
480VA, the SFU0200X offers an extra plus in power for
continuous operation and as a reserve in pulse load operation -
without the external heat sink
Expansion of the management
Dear business partners
It is still not too late to send you our best wishes for the new
year 2024. We all hope that the situation, both domestically
and especially in terms of foreign policy, will gradually calm
down again and that positive reports will predominate in the
Until then, it is important for all of us to provide good news and
an optimistic mood ourselves. Accordingly, we used the first
few weeks of January intensively to secure the future of BMR:
Now, in the 46th year of the company's existence, the next
generation is joining the management team. With Stephan
Brittling as a further CEO, the responsibility for managing the
company is now spread across several shoulders.
At the same time, our long-standing sales manager Michael
Lämmermann has been granted power of attorney and is now
supporting Stephan Brittling. It is ideal when a well-coordinated
team takes on management tasks together.
But it's not just the management team that has changed: we
have also strengthened our team in development, testing and
production with several new employees in order to achieve our
goals even more effectively. A strong vision has always been a
hallmark of BMR. We are now looking forward to taking off