Information to our DressView systemThis dressing systems is the worlds first which works without sensors and has the advantage that it does not require any sensors in the spindle and therefore cheaper spindles can be used for dressing.DressView® is offered together with a drive in a desktop case as an integrated solution or as stand-alone solution as a separate system, which lends itself particularly for use in the control cabinet. (Here the frequency converter and a docking station for the DressView® is then installed.)The signal derived from the operation of the spindle is graphically displayed on an LC-display. For signal output to the PLC in each case a limit value for signal detection and, in addition, a higher can be set to a potential crash detection.When the limit is exceeded, the measurement signal is dyed red and a corresponding output connected.The DressView® system is via laterally arranged foil keys with switching point very easy to operate and adjustable. Various settings can be made for the dressing process, such as the afterglow of last measurement processes as silhouettes, the time base of the representation or the scaling of the display.For communication with the PLC 3 digital inputs, 3 digital outputs and one analog output are available. Via them the system can be started and the current status are displayed. The analog output comes directly from the measurement signal of the dressing.Tests had shown that the sensibility and sensitivity with the established sensor-based process is on an equal footing. In experiments dressing accuracies down to under 0.5 micron were realized.
The operating terminal can be mounted either via a VESA mount on your machine, or an arm or as a handy desktop unit on a horizontal surface.Belonging to the operating terminal is the DressView® SSE cabinet unit. This provides the voltage supply and all inputs and outputs. In addition, it provides a USB interface to the required BMR converters.
DressView® SSE + DressView® Panel Mount Unit (PMU)
The PMU can be perfectly integrated into a control panel of a production center.Belonging to the PMU is the DressView® SSE cabinet unit. This provides the voltage supply and all inputs and outputs. In addition, it provides a USB interface to the required BMR converters.
DressView®SFU 0200 SFU0303
Both desktop devices (0303 and 0200) are a compact unit consisting of converters and DressView® and correspond the performance our SFU0303 and SFU0200. For this reason, both devices have the usual inputs and outputs and screw connections. In addition, there are still the inputs and outputs of DressView® system.
•Integrated in the inverter => Perfectly coordinated components•Cost savings since sensors can be omitted and standard spindles can be used•Omission of sensor cables•Optimal support as everything comes from one hand.(Abrichteinheit, SFU und Spindel: nur ein Ansprechpartner)•enormous reduction of repair costs•Precise adjustment to your system, thanks to uncomplicated custom solutions•Simple and intuitive user interface•No need to adjust filters or make complicated settings required•Future-proof solution, since the spindle can be easily replaced when the application is changed. Dressing system and inverter remain the same
Advantages DressViewover acoustic emission systems
Customer opinion DressView - Henninger GmbH u. Co. KGThe BMR DressView has been used since this year in the ZS2000 double-sided centre grinding machine. Together with BMR, the implementation started in the second quarter and the first successes were achieved in a short time. The ZS2000 centre grinding machine with DressView was presented at the EMO 2017 in Hanover.The previous system based on acoustic emission principle does not allow for a simultaneous centre grinding of the two centres, since vibrations of the respective other spindle do not allow a clear allocation during the machining process.With the DressView system we can now simultaneously grind both centres! This convinced us to implement and extensively test the BMR system. We are thus able to reduce the processing time of a centre grinding machine designed for a certain number of pieces enormously. If correctly adjusted, up to 50% cycle time reduction is possible. The very low fault susceptibility that can be expected also gives us a positive outlook for the future.The connection to the ZS2000 centre grinding machine was smooth and uncomplicated. Even retrofitting or upgrading into an existing production machine can be implemented and integrated into the control system. The integration in single-sided and NC controlled centre grinding machines is planned.In times of industry 4.0, maximum process monitoring is a must for modern, future-oriented machine manufacturers. Thanks to the sensorless contact detection and the detection of uniform grinding contact along the entire circumference with the DressView system, our grinding processes in the center grinder become even more reliable and efficient. At the same time, we save processing time,"says Jakob Kerres, Managing Director of Henninger GmbH u. Co. KG in Straubenhardt.aren wir Bearbeitungszeit“, so Jakob Kerres, Geschäftsführer von Henninger GmbH u. Co. KG in Straubenhardt.Dominik Kerres, 26.10.2017
This dressing systems is the worlds first which works without sensors and has the advantage that it does not require any sensors in the spindle and works with an accuracies down to under 0.5 micron.
Processvisualizationforgrinding,drilling anddressingoperationswithanalysisand reportingfunctions,aswellasawiderange of connection options. AllcombinedinasystemfromBMRwiththe
The further development of our well-known DressView system now works completely independent of the inverter. This means that all data from the motor cables are measured and calculated.
With'MotorView',thefamilyofdressingandprocessvisualizationsystems andassociatedcomponentscontinuestogrow.WhileDressViewhasbeen designedanddevelopedforcombinationwithBMR'sfrequencyconverters, the new "MotorView" system works completely independently. Withthenew,againproprietarydevelopedsystem,whichworksassensitive asDressView,anexceptionallyaccuratemeasuringsystemforpowerand loadmeasurementofdrivesolutionshasbeencreated.Thepreciseand sensitiverecordingofvoltageandcurrentintheindividualmotorphases enablesadetailedandsensitiveanalysisofallmotorparameters.Apparent powerandmotorfrequencycanbepreciselydeterminedovertheentire speedrangeofthemotor.Atpresent,itisdesignedforconnectedvaluesof upto400Vand20A,wherebyhigherconnectedvaluescanbeeasily achieved by simply changing component values.
Measuring system for power and load of electric motors
MotorView accessories
MotorView measuring system
SFU-CommunicatorFeldbus Gateway
DressView PMUInsertable operating unit
DressView OTIP45 Handheld operating unit
The MotorView measuring system fits seamlessly into the components of our Dressview. So it is possible to establish a connection to all common fieldbus and Ethernet systems using our SFU-Communicator.Inaddition,theMotorViewmeasurementsystemcanbeparameterizedviathetwoDressViewcontrolpanels.Furthermore,thecurrentload value can be displayed, stored, compared and evaluated in the same way as the DressView system.
DressView cable2 - 10m special cable
VFD: variable frequency drive
VFD: variable frequency drivePLC: programmable logic control
This dressing systems this worlds firstwhich works without sensors and has the advantage that it does not require any sensors in the spindle and therefore cheaper spindles can be used for dressing.DressView® is offered together with a drive in a desktop case as an integrated solution or as stand-alone solution as a separate system, which lends itself particularly for use in the control cabinet. (Here the frequency converter and a docking station for the DressView® is then installed.)The signal derived from the operation of the spindle is graphically displayed on an LC-display. For signal output to the PLC in each case a limit value for signal detection and, in addition, a higher can be set to a potential crash detection.When the limit is exceeded, the measurement signal is dyed red and a corresponding output connected.The DressView® system is via laterally arranged foil keys with switching point very easy to operate and adjustable. Various settings can be made for the dressing process, such as the afterglow of last measurement processes as silhouettes, the time base of the representation or the scaling of the display.For communication with the PLC 3 digital inputs, 3 digital outputs and one analog output are available. Via them the system can be started and the current status are displayed. The analog output is directly from the measurement signal of the dressing.Tests shown that the sensibility and sensitivity with the established sensor-based process is on an equal footing. In experiments a dressing accuracies of under 0.5 micron were realized.
Manual DressView®
Field Test:This was a test which was performed in an industrial process. The raising strokes represent a forward feeding of 1 micron. As you can see the repeatability in this test, despite the fast working speed is very high, thanks to our high resolution.In this test a 42mm spindle with a diamondwheel was used to dress a CBN-wheel. The dressing thereby held under high pressure coolant, which was been calibrated out but through our system.Also you can see the functionality of our two individual ajustable levels. The lower one is the triggerlevel, which detects the contact with your tool an the upper one is the workinglevel, which helps you to qualify your resulting surface.
The operating terminal can be mounted either via a VESA mount on your machine, or an arm or as a handy desktop unit on a horizontal surface.Belonging to the operating terminal is the DressView® SSE cabinet unit. This provides the voltage supply and all inputs and outputs. In addition, it provides a USB interface to the required BMR converters.
DressView® SSE + DressView® Panel Mount Unit (PMU)
The PMU can be perfectly integrated into a control panel of a production center.Belonging to the PMU is the DressView® SSE cabinet unit. This provides the voltage supply and all inputs and outputs. In addition, it provides a USB interface to the required BMR converters.
DressView®SFU 0200 SFU0303
Both desktop devices (0303 and 0200) are a compact unit consisting of converters and DressView® and correspond the performance our SFU0303 and SFU0200. For this reason, both devices have the usual inputs and outputs and screw connections. In addition, there are still the inputs and outputs of DressView® system.
•Integrated in the inverter => Perfectly coordinated components•Cost savings since sensors can be omitted and standard spindles can be used•Omission of sensor cables•Optimal support as everything comes from one hand.(Abrichteinheit, SFU und Spindel: nur ein Ansprechpartner)•enormous reduction of repair costs•Precise adjustment to your system, thanks to uncomplicated custom solutions•Simple and intuitive user interface•No need to adjust filters or make complicated settings required•Future-proof solution, since the spindle can be easily replaced when the application is changed. Dressing system and inverter remain the same
Advantages DressViewover acoustic emission systems
Processvisualizationforgrinding,drillingand dressingoperationswithanalysisandreporting functions,aswellasawiderangeofconnection options. AllcombinedinasystemfromBMRwiththe extensivesupportandsimpleoperationthatis typical for us. Whetherforupgradingoldermachinesordirectly integratedintonewsystems,takethestepintothe future with us.
This dressing systems is the worlds first which works without sensorsand has the advantage that it does not require any sensors in the spindle and works with an accuracies down to under 0.5 micron.
The further development of our well-known DressView system now works completely independent of the inverter. This means that all data from the motor cables are measured and calculated.
Measuring system for power and load of electric motors
MotorView accessories
MotorView measuring system
SFU-CommunicatorFeldbus Gateway
DressView PMUInsertable operating unit
DressView OTIP45 Handheld operating unit
TheMotorViewmeasuringsystemfitsseamlesslyintothecomponentsof our Dressview. Soitispossibletoestablishaconnectiontoallcommonfieldbusand Ethernet systems using our SFU-Communicator.Inaddition,theMotorViewmeasurementsystemcanbeparameterized viathetwoDressViewcontrolpanels.Furthermore,thecurrentload valuecanbedisplayed,stored,comparedandevaluatedinthesameway as the DressView system.